Monday, June 29, 2015

The Transformation of Electrical Energy

As we all know, a fallen power line is dangerous. Not only are they dangerous, but they wreak havoc on those who lose power from them in their homes or businesses. Life seems to temporarily stand still. Luckily, fallen power lines do not happen often, but when it does happen, everyone’s lives need to adjust. In this article, you will learn about the basics of how power is distributed through the power lines and how transformers allow consumers to get power through the conversion of electricity.

There are many different types and sizes of electrical transformers, but the end result is the same. The purpose of transformers is to transform electrical energy by alternating the input to output of voltage levels. Transformers can be very larger in size like those that are installed at power plants, or very small for use in electronics. While they are used in many electrical devices, their main use is to transform power to provide electricity to the world. During the transformation of power, there are many transformers in use in order to make sure the power is converted in an efficient and safe manner.

Power plants generate power and it is then sent out to the world through electric lines. Since the power created at the power plants is very high in voltage, high-voltage transformers will be placed first in line to step-down the voltage. As the power decreases from transformer to transformer, it becomes safe for output into individual homes and businesses. Low-voltage transformers are then used to step-down the voltage levels for the last time on the outside. From the inside of buildings, electrical devices will internally step-down the levels for their own use.